If you own and operate a small business in La Junta or just want to network with other business professionals, the La Junta Chamber of Commerce is an organization to join.
Coming up at the end of January they will host their annual banquet. This is usually a sold out event at the Rizzuto Banquet Room at Otero College.
As we made plans to promote this community event, we couldn't help but wonder about how the Chamber of Commerce got its start.
According to Chambernation.com the organization is very old. The first one was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1773. Other cities quickly adopted Chambers of their own and today there are more than 5,000 Chambers of Commerce across the country.

It's no surprise that communities who started Chambers saw the benefit. Joining together makes the community stronger as the Chamber of Commerce is a group that works better together than alone.
Chambers don't receive money from the government and are separate and independent. They rely on membership fees to keep providing tools and resources to their members.
The event information for the 2025 La Junta Chamber of Commerce Banquet is listed below. We hope to see you there.
The 2025 La Junta Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
invites you to join us for the 123rd Annual La Junta Chamber of Commerce Banquet
Rizzuto Banquet Room @ Otero College
Monday, January 27, 2025
Doors open at 5:30PM
Dinner at 6:15PM
$40 Individual
$350 for a table of 8, includes two bottles of wine
Cash Bar
Contact the La Junta Chamber of Commerce to reserve your seats today!!
Nominations for the 2024 Volunteer of the Year and the 2024 Ag Award can be made here:
Office Hours are Tues-Fri from 10AM-3PM
719-384-7411 | info@lajuntachamber.com