(Las Animas, CO) -- Bent County is hiring. If you're qualified you can land a good paying job right now.
According to the county's website and the
Human Resources' tab, there are several open positions right now in healthcare and in economic development.
To apply, head to the county's website and click on the job of interest to you.
Or, just click here. https://www.bentcounty.net/government/human_resources.php
Other regional employers seeking workers right now include:
SECOM-Internet Service Provider for a Network Technician, https://www.applicantpro.com/openings/secom/jobs/2548807-536260
CoreCivic, https://www.corecivic.com/
Inspiration Field, https://www.inspirationfield.org/join-us/careers
Southeast Health Group, https://www.southeasthealthgroup.org/employment
Lewis, Bolt and Nut, https://www.lewisbolt.com/employment