(Las Animas, CO) -- "I did not communicate well, and I'm sorry for that." Bent County Sheriff Jake Six explained that he spoke to the former Sheriff, David Encinias, for guidance on using the inmate account for repairs was a misunderstanding. But, according to Six, that wasn't what he meant to say.

Listening to the meeting audio, you can hear Six tell the Commissioners that he spoke to Sheriff Encinias. However, Six said he meant to say the former sheriff's administration as he spoke to someone who worked with Encinias. The party that Sheriff Six contacted does not want his name mentioned as he does not want to be involved.
"I generally did not mean to miscommunicate," Six went on to say between the meeting and the news stories recounting them he's been under a lot of stress.
Six was called into a meeting with the Bent County Commissioners on Thursday, July 25th to explain why his office's inmate account was overdrawn by $900.
Six sat before County Commissioners for more than an hour to explain that his office has had trouble getting the board to approve items in his budget that included repairing the jail. This became a priority following escapes from the jail. The Sheriff went to say using the funds was necessary to make the repairs. Commissioners responded they felt Six using the funds from the inmate account was a misuse of funds and would like to see that going forward it doesn't happen again.
As of Monday, July 29th, Six was able to produce a bank statement showing the inmate account has been brought back to the black with a balance of $3,738.46.
Other budget frustrations were addressed such as broken IPads that needed to be replaced, and a time-entry system that didn't allow them to know exactly when employees were working or not.
Commissioners also questioned the Sheriff about the purchase of a drone and the needed certification to operate it as well as the purchase and training of a K-9.