Some exciting last minute news arrived to the pair planning another free dental clinic for Southeast Colorado.
Alex Egri reported they have secured a dental office to partner with for Sunday's totally free community dental clinic. Josh Brothers Dentistry in La Junta will host the clinic. Their office is located in the Lincoln Plaza building on 3rd Street in La Junta. Having access to a dental chair will allow them to perform more procedures. The last clinic, served six patients, was offered in the Cheraw cafeteria.

Egri, along with his significant other Dr. Isra Ahmed (prosthodontist) will be starting at 8am to provide services. There's no cost, no insurance is taken and basic dental procedures are free to people who need them.
"We had the idea of offering, you know, this rather expensive and complicated dental procedures to people who just simply can't afford it." Egri explained.
Egri said he and Dr. Ahmed had planned to do a dental mission trip to Africa, and for some reason it was delayed, that's when the idea of bringing it to his community was born.
Some of the procedures will take several visits, while teeth are pulled to plan for dentures.
Egri said the first clinic they offered, they had six patients and are filling up fast for this Sunday's clinic. If you do need to come for help, Egri asks that call and make an appointment, you can text too if you prefer to 719-470-0969.