The following is a news release sent to Colorado News Your Way by Golden Plains Insurance:
(Lamar, CO) — Each year Golden Plains Insurance awards an eligible graduating senior an educational scholarship based on their commitment to their community, educational institution, faith and to furthering their educational journey. The quantity and quality of the applications we received this year were amazing, with over 30 superior quality applications received by the Scholarship Nominating Committee. After much deliberation and in recognizing this young lady’s leadership and community service, Golden Plains Insurance awards Jami Jo Quick our annual educational scholarship. This year, in recognition of Golden Plains Insurance’s ten-year anniversary, the scholarship is in the amount of $2000.00.
Jami Jo was selected by adhering to the guidelines set forth in the scholarship application which included submitting an official high School transcript (which shows she had a 3.907 GPA), along with three letters of recommendation from an instructor, counselor, and/or coach. Her attached letters were prime examples of her commitment to family, school, and church. In addition, she needed to provide an autobiographical statement of why she would be a good candidate for the scholarship and what her educational long-term career goals were. Her included detailed letter was impressive, and she covered all the requirements with exceptional clarity and detail.

Upon graduation Jami Jo plans to become a Veterinarian. She will be starting out at Lamar Community College where she will pursue an associate degree in animal science while playing college basketball. Upon graduating, she would then like to transfer to West Texas A&M in Canyon, Texas to complete her bachelor’s degree. For vet school she is considering either Oklahoma State University or Texas Tech University to complete her schooling. To quote Jami Jo from her autobiographical statement, “At Kindergarten graduation they asked me, ‘What would you like to be when you grow up?’ and I answered, ‘A Veterinarian.’ Today, twelve years later, that is still my goal!” We are certain that with her drive and passion for her education, and community she will use our scholarship for the best possible outcome.