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Candidates Unified Behind a Similar Message in La Junta

Writer: Anne Boswell TaylorAnne Boswell Taylor

(La Junta, CO) -- Six candidates running to unseat Democrat Senator Michael Bennet to represent Colorado presented a unified message Saturday night in La Junta. While the messages varied of what they would like to do if selected as the Republican candidate for the ballot, all said they feel the country needs strong leadership and fighters to continue to have a free nation.

It was a diverse group from a former radio talk show host to business owners, teachers and a former Olympian. Two will be selected at the assembly held April 8th and 9th in Colorado Springs. Those two names selected will face each other in the Primary election in June. The winner will face Democrat incumbent Senator Michael Bennet in the General Election in November. Those attending and speaking were candidate Peter Yu, Deborah Flora, Eli Bremer, Gino Campana, Joe O'Dea, and Gregory Moore. Ron Hanks is running for the seat but could not attend the gathering.

Local candidates also in attendance were Otero County Commissioner Candidates Tim Knabenshue and Barry Shioshita. State representative for district 47 Ty Winter spoke about why he wants to represent you at the state capitol. Winter, a Las Animas County resident, says he understands rural Colorado and will work hard for Southern and Southeast Colorado. Representative Rod Pelton who currently is the lawmaker for district 65 in Eastern Colorado, (Cheyenne, Kit Carson, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Segwick and Yuma counties) is making a switch to run for Senate district 35. Pelton faces Kevin Conrad in the primaries. Pelton and Conrad spoke both at the candidate forum.

The candidate meet, named Pizza and Pint, was held at the Fairway Restaurant at the La Junta Golf Course. It was sponsored by the Otero County Republican Women. Democrat candidates were invited to attend to also speak but there were none at the event. If you would like to listen to watch and listen, here's a link to our Facebook page where we were able to live stream some of the evening.

(Photos posted below are property of Colorado News Your Way, and Anne Boswell Taylor)

"Pizza and a Pint" Candidate Meet, La Junta, Colorado. The Fairway Restaurant

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