(The following is a news release from
Ariel Eddings, Bent County Extension | Bent County Fair Board)
Harvest Show Books are now available. The books have a complete list of classes and rules for the 83nd Annual Bent County Harvest Show, which will be October 1-3, 2024, at St. Mary’s Hall in Las Animas, located at 714 Elm Avenue. All Bent County residents are eligible to enter exhibits that they have made or grown.
Exhibits may be entered in a wide variety of classes. Two of the largest divisions are Art and Photography, with entries from preschoolers, students and adults. The Harvest Show is known for a large display of beautiful quilts. The other divisions are: clothing, needlecraft, fancy work, home furnishings, food preservation, baked goods, handicrafts and woodworking, hobbies, collections, antiques, flowers, crops and vegetables. Vegetable decorating classes bring out the fun, creative side of exhibitors. Most divisions offer classes for junior and adult exhibitors. Items are entered on Tuesday afternoon, judging on Wednesday morning, and then the show is open to the public on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday.
Premiums are paid in each class (1st-3rd) place. The Grand and Reserve Grand Champions in each division will also receive $20 and $10, respectively. All premiums will be paid in cash on Thursday, October 3rd at 4:00 pm.
For a complete listing of rules and classes, pick up a book now at the Extension Office located on the Bent County Fairgrounds in Las Animas, or at local businesses throughout Bent County.
For more information, contact the CSU Bent County Extension Office at (719) 456-0764 or General Superintendent Connie Harris at (719) 456-0607.