(Las Animas, CO) – Landing Mark “Oz” Geist as the guest speaker for the upcoming LIncoln Day Dinner in Bent County is generating a lot of excitement. Geist is credited with saving 25 people in the attack on Benghazi and is the co-author of 13 Hours, a true account of what happened when Islamic terrorists attacked a CIA facility he was protecting as a private security contractor. Geist has ties to Southeast Colorado with family living in the area. “We are so blessed to have him as a speaker” responds Bent County GOP executive committee chair Pam Valdez. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is also scheduled to appear at the event. State House Minority Leader Representative Rose Pugliese and Representative Ty Winter will also be joining in at the dinner. State Senator Rod Pelton will attend along with the RNC’s Christy Ruckus Fidura. Keep watching as tickets are expected to go on sale soon for the August 15th event which will be held at Las Animas High School.
~Anne Boswell, anneboswell@coloradonewsyourway.com