(Denver, CO) -- They help us grow food and provide honey. Bees are getting a lot of attention in Denver in committee Tuesday with a bill that would protect the state's pollinators.
Senate Bill 22-199, the Native Pollinating Insects Protection Study according to the bill's text states:

The bill requires the executive director of the department of natural resources or the executive director's designee (executive director) to conduct a study as soon as practicable regarding the challenges associated with native pollinating insect decline, their associated ecosystems, and their health and resilience in the state. Based on the results of the study, the executive director is required to make recommendations:
For the protection of native pollinating insects;
On best practices for state agencies in implementing policies and practices regarding native pollinating insects; and
On how to develop education and outreach programming.
On or before January 1, 2024, the executive director shall submit to the general assembly and the governor a report summarizing the study and the executive director's recommendations based on the study.
Scientists testifying state that fruit trees need pollination from bees so they feel the state's agricultural products could be at risk. The study will help the state decide what protections to take to protect the pollinators.
According to the bill's fiscal note which is how the bill will be funded, should it become a law it would increase the state's expenditures in next year's budget.
With full disclosure, the following is a clip from the bill's fiscal note which can be found on the bill's page.
